Geometry editor
Learn how to design and create your profiles with the geometry editor.

The geometry editor allows you to quickly and easily edit any type of profile made up of straight and circular sections. To edit a geometry, follow these steps:
- STEP 1: Access the geometry editor.
- STEP 2: Create the points and auxiliary lines.
- STEP 3: Define the final profile using the auxiliary drawing.
- STEP 4: Define the starting point and the direction.
- STEP 5: Export the geometry to an ISO code program.
STEP 1. How to access the geometry editor
Access the main menu by pressing the red square on the top left.

Press the [Edit] button, belonging to the "Operation" section, or the softkeys [F11] and then [F5].

Once inside the "Edit" screen, go to the line of the program where you want to enter the geometry and press the softkey [Geometry editor] or [F6].

If you want to return to the "Edit" screen, press the [Finish] softkey or [F6].

STEP 2. How to edit the points and auxiliary lines
Once inside the geometry editor, the first step will be to edit the points and auxiliary lines.
Edit the points and auxiliary lines using the buttons available in the "Selection" and "Geometry" menus on the left side of the page. Points and auxiliary lines will be displayed in green, and intersection points will be displayed in purple.

If you want to save the points and auxiliary lines and exit the geometry editor, press the [Finish] or [F6] softkey.

Press the [Save project and exit] button.

Enter the desired name and press [ENTER] to save the project.

If you want to open a previously saved point and auxiliary line project, press the [Archive] or [F1] softkey.

Press the [Open project] button.

Select the desired project and press [ENTER].

STEP 3. How to define the final profile using the auxiliary drawing
Use the "Draw Profile" tool available in the "Profile Operations" menu to define the desired profile.

To do so, click the "Draw Profile" button, select the intersections and lines that make up the profile until the selection is complete, and click the "Draw Profile" button again.

STEP 4. How to define the starting point and the direction
Once the desired profile is defined, define the starting point and the direction as follows:
Use the "Set Entry Point" tool available in the "Profile Operations" menu to define the starting point and the desired direction. To do so, click the "Set In Point" button and click on the desired point. The direction is shown by a red arrow, which will change each time you click on the entry point.

STEP 5. How to export the geometry to an ISO code program
Once the profile is defined, with the starting point and the desired direction, generate the ISO program as follows:
To generate the ISO program, press the [Finish] softkey or [F6].

Once the menu is displayed, press [Insert ISO code]. Remember that in this way only the final profile will be saved. To save all auxiliary lines, press [Save project and exit].

The HMI will return to the "Edit" page and the ISO code of the geometry will be inserted in the part-program.

In order to modify the profile from its ISO code, place the cursor at any point on the profile you wish to modify and press the [Geometry Editor] softkey or [F6].

Once inside the geometry editor, the profile can be modified and inserted again in the part program.

Selects the desired geometries by clicking on them. Selected geometries are shown in yellow color.
- If a geometry is selected and then clicked again, the geometry will be deselected.
- If a single geometry is selected, a window will open allowing to modify its characteristics. When selecting more than one geometry, this window is not displayed.
- In a profile created by several segments, the select tool differentiates two functionalities: using the left mouse button we will select the segment and using the right button we will select the complete profile.
Invert selection
Inverts the current selection. All geometries that were selected are deselected and all geometries that were not selected are selected. Selected geometries are shown in yellow color.
Deselect all
Deselects all the geometries that are selected. All deselected geometries will return to their original color, defined according to the layer to which they belong.
Delete selection
Deletes selected geometries. First select the geometries to be deleted. After that, click on the “Delete selection” button.
Creates an auxiliary point at the desired coordinates. The created point is shown in blue color. A point can be created in two ways:
- By defining the coordinates in the window that appears when you click on the “Point” button and pressing “Insert”.
- By clicking with the mouse on the desired location after pressing the “Point” button.
To modify any previously created point, selecting the point will display the point editing window with the coordinates of the point.
- To modify the point, define the new data and click on “Modify”.
- To create a new point using the selected point, define the new data and press “Insert”.
To close the point editing window, press [ESC].
Creates an auxiliary line. The created line is displayed in blue color. You can create a line in two ways:
- By By defining the coordinates of a point and an angle in the window that pops up when you click on the “Line” button and pressing “Insert”.
- By defining with the mouse two points where the line passes through.
To modify any previously created line, selecting the line will display the line editing window with the coordinates of the point with which it was created and its angle.
- To modify the line, define the new data and click “Modify”.
- To create a new line using the selected line, define the new data and press “Insert”.
To close the point editing window, press [ESC].
Creates an auxiliary circle with the desired center and radius. The circle created is shown in blue color and the center in pink color. You can create a circle in two ways:
- By defining the coordinates of the center and the value of the radius in the window that appears when you click on the “Circle” button and pressing “Insert”.
- By defining the center of the circle and the radius with the mouse.
To modify any previously created circle, selecting the circle will display the circle editing window with the center coordinates and radius value.
- To modify the circle, define the new data and click on “Modify”.
- To create a new circle using the selected circle, define the new data and press “Insert”.
To close the circle editing window, press [ESC].
Tangent line
Creates lines tangent to the selected auxiliary geometries. The created lines are shown in blue color and the tangency points in pink color. To create tangent lines follow these steps:
- After clicking on the “Tangent lines” button, select the desired auxiliary geometries.
- All possible tangent lines are shown in yellow color.
- Select the desired tangent lines with the mouse.
- To finish, press the “Deselect all” button.
Tangent circle
Creates circles tangent to the selected auxiliary geometries. The created circles are shown in blue color, and the tangency points and the centers of the circles are shown in pink color. To create tangent circles follow these steps:
- After clicking on the “Tangent circles” button, define the radius of the circle to be created in the tangent circle editing window and press [ENTER].
- Select the desired geometries with the mouse.
- All possible tangent circles are shown in yellow.
- Select the desired tangent circles with the mouse.
- To finish, press the “Deselect all” button.
Displays a window showing the distance and angle between two geometries.
To use the ruler, follow these steps:
- After clicking on the “Ruler” button, the “Measure” window will be displayed.
- Select the desired geometries with the mouse. The selected geometries will be displayed in yellow color.
- After selecting the geometries, the “Measure” window will display the distance and angle between them.
- To close the “Measure” window, press [ESC].
When measuring between geometries, the following cases are possible:
- Distance between two points: The distance between the selected points and the angle of the imaginary line that joins them is displayed.
- Distance between a point and a line: The point on the line closest to the selected point is calculated. The distance and angle between the selected point and the calculated point on the selected line is displayed.
- Distance between a point and a circle: The distance and the angle between the selected point and the center of the selected circle are displayed.
- Distance between two lines: The following cases are possible:
- Parallel lines: The minimum distance between the two lines is shown and the angle will always be 0.
- Intersecting lines: The minimum distance, which will always be 0, and the angle between the two lines are shown.
- Distance between a line and a circle: The point on the line closest to the center of the selected circle is calculated. The distance and angle between the center of the selected circle and the calculated point on the selected line is displayed.
- Distance between two circles: The distance between the centers of the selected circles and the angle of the imaginary line joining these two points is shown.
Allows you to make a copy of the selected geometries in another point of the plane. To do this, it is necessary to create two auxiliary points, the point of origin and the point of destination.
To translate the desired geometries, follow these steps:
- Create the auxiliary points to be used as origin and destination.
- Select the geometries to be moved. The selected geometries will be displayed in yellow color.
- Click on the “Translate” button.
- Select the point of origin with the mouse.
- Select the destination point with the mouse.
- After clicking on the destination point, the original geometries will be displayed in their original color and the translated geometries will be displayed in yellow color. In addition, all intersection points between the original geometries and the new geometries will be displayed in pink.
Allows you to make a copy of the selected geometries at the desired scale. To do this, it is necessary to create an auxiliary point, which will be used as the point of origin.
To scale the desired geometries, follow these steps:
- Create the auxiliary point to be used as an origin.
- Select the geometries to be scaled. The selected geometries will be displayed in yellow color.
- Click on the “Scale” button.
- The “Scale” window will be displayed, where the desired scale factor must be entered. Press [ENTER] to validate it.
- Select the desired point of origin with the mouse.
- After clicking on the origin point, the original geometries will be displayed in their original color and the scaled geometries will be displayed in yellow. In addition, all intersection points between the original geometries and the new geometries will be displayed in pink color.
Allows you to make a symmetrical copy of the selected geometries with respect to an auxiliary line. To do this, it is necessary to create an auxiliary line first.
To make a symmetry of the desired geometries, follow these steps:
- Create the auxiliary line on which the symmetry will be performed.
- Select the desired geometries. The selected geometries will be displayed in yellow color.
- Click on the “Symmetry” button.
- Select with the mouse the auxiliary line on which the symmetry is to be performed.
- Original geometries will be displayed in their original color and symmetrical geometries will be displayed in yellow color. In addition, all intersection points between the original geometries and the new geometries will be displayed in pink color.
Allows to make a rotated copy of the selected geometries with respect to an auxiliary point. To do this, it is necessary to previously create the auxiliary point on which to perform the rotation.
To perform a rotation of the desired geometries, follow these steps:
- Create the auxiliary point on which the rotation will be performed.
- Select the desired geometries. The selected geometries will be displayed in yellow color.
- Click on the “Rotate” button.
- The “Rotate” window will be displayed in which the desired rotation angle must be entered. Press [ENTER] to validate it.
- Select with the mouse the auxiliary point on which the rotation is to be performed.
- Original geometries will be displayed in their original color and symmetrical geometries will be displayed in yellow color. In addition, all intersection points between the original geometries and the new geometries will be displayed in pink color.
Profile circle
Creates a circle profile with the desired center, radius and entry point. The created circle profile is shown in white color, the center and entry point are shown in pink color, and the entry direction is shown with a red color arrow.
A profile circle with entry point can be created in two ways:
- Defining the coordinates of the center, the value of the radius and the angle of the entry point in the window that pops up when you click on the “Draw circle profile” button and pressing “Insert”.
- Defining with the mouse the center of the circle, the radius and the entry point.
To modify any previously created circle profile, selecting the circle will display the circle editing window with the coordinates of the center, the radius value and the angle of the entry point.
- To modify the circle, define the new data and click on “Modify”.
- To create a new circle using the selected circle, define the new data and click on “Insert”.
To close the circle editing window, press [ESC].
Profile polygon
Creates a profile polygon with the center, radius and number of sides desired. The created profile polygon is shown in white, the center and vertexes are shown in pink, and the input direction is shown with a red arrow.
To create a profile polygon, the following fields must be defined in the window that is displayed when clicking the "Profile polygon" button:
- Define the polygon type (inscribed or circumscribed).
- Define the coordinates of the center of the polygon.
- Define the radius of the fictitious circumference in which the polygon will go in an inscribed or circumscribed way, according to what was selected in the first step.
- Define the number of sides of the polygon.
- Click on “Insert”.
To modify any previously created polygon profile, selecting the polygon will display the polygon editing window with the edited data.
- To modify the polygon, define the new data and click on “Modify”.
- To create a new polygon using the selected polygon, define the new data and click “Insert”.
To close the polygon editing window, press [ESC].
Creates a profile composed of several lines by clicking with the mouse on the desired points.
To create a profile composed of several lines, follow these steps:
- Click on the “Polyline” button.
- Click with the mouse on the desired points.
- Once all the points of the profile have been created, click on the “Polyline” button again.
Draw profile
Allows you to define the desired profile using previously drawn auxiliary geometries.
To define the desired profile, follow these steps:
- Click on the “Draw profile” button.
- Select with the mouse the points that define the desired profile. If there is an arc in the desired profile, select the starting point, the arc, and the end point of that section.
- As the profile is defined, the defined part is shown with yellow dashed lines.
- Once the entire profile has been defined, click on the “Draw profile” button again.
- After clicking the “Draw profile” button, the profile will be displayed in yellow color. A red arrow indicating the entry point and its direction will also be displayed.
Allows you to define a chamfer at the desired vertex. To be able to define a chamfer, you must have previously defined a profile using the “Draw profile” button.
To define a chamfer, follow these steps:
- After pressing the “Chamfer” button, type the desired length in the chamfer editing window and press [ENTER].
- Select the desired vertex with the mouse. After selecting the vertex, the profile will be displayed in white and the chamfer in yellow.
- After selecting any other button to continue editing the geometry, the chamfer will be displayed in pink.
Allows you to define a rounding at the desired vertex. To be able to define a rounding, you must have previously defined a profile using the “Draw profile” button.
To define a rounding, follow these steps:
- After pressing the “Rounding” button, type the desired length in the rounding editing window and press [ENTER].
- Select the desired vertex with the mouse. After selecting the vertex, the profile will be displayed in white and the rounding in yellow.
- After selecting any other button to continue editing the geometry, the rounding will be displayed in pink.
Link profile
Allows you to join a profile by entering the tolerance allowed between its vertex.
Unlink profile
Allows to separate a joined profile into various elements and generating the auxiliary geometries of an imported profile.
When importing a profile in the geometry editor, only the profile will be displayed without its auxiliary geometries. The “Unlink” tool allows you to create these auxiliary geometries.
To unjoin a profile and create the auxiliary geometries, follow these steps:
- Open the desired profile in the geometry editor.
- Click on the “Unlink” button.
- Click the desired profile elements one by one with the mouse. By pressing each element, the auxiliary geometry of that element will be generated. The profile will be shown in white color and the auxiliary geometries in blue color.
Set entry point
Allows you to define the entry point to the defined profile and its direction. In order to set the entry point and address of a profile, you must have previously defined a profile using the “Draw profile” button.
To define the entry point and direction of a profile, follow these steps:
- Click on the "Set entry point" button. When this button is pressed, the profile will be displayed in white color.
- Select the desired point with the mouse. The red arrow will be displayed at the selected point indicating the direction of entry.
- To change the entry direction, click on the entry point again.
Additional ISO
Allows to add additional ISO code to a previously created profile.
In order to add additional ISO code to a profile, follow these steps:
- Create or open the desired profile.
- Select the desired elements of the profile with the mouse (it can be one or more elements).
- Click on the "Additional ISO" button. A window will be displayed in which you can add additional ISO code.
- Type the desired ISO code and press [Accept].
Creates a hole with the desired center and radius. The created hole is displayed in green color and the center in pink color. A hole can be created in two ways:
- Defining the coordinates of the center and the value of the diameter in the edition window and pressing “Insert”.
- Using the mouse.
To modify any previously created hole, you have to follow the following steps:
- select the hole and the edition window will be displayed.
- Define the new data and click on “Modify”.
- To create a new hole using the selected hole, define the new data and click on “Insert”.
To close the circle editing window, press [ESC].
Find holes
Allows you to select groups of holes, in order to perform the desired operations.
Clicking this button displays a window showing all the available holes, sorted by size. These circles are shown in green color and their centers in pink color.
When selecting a group of circles, all the circles in the selected group are displayed in yellow color.
Zoom in drag
Allows you to zoom in the desired area. To do this, after clicking the "Zoom in drag" button, make a box with the mouse in the desired area.
When you click on a corner and move the mouse, a red box will be displayed. When you release the mouse, the red box disappears and the zoom is performed.
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