The “Advanced Photon Source” uses Fagor Automation´s encoders in one of the most technologically complex and demanding machines in the world.
The “APS”, at Argonne National Laboratory , located in Chicago (Illinois), is a pioneer laboratory funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, is an X-ray accelerator ring, which keeps the X-ray beam in place by two magnets, has relied on the work of Fagor Automation to ensure that the beam remains centered between the ring and the electrodes.
The center offers the brightest X-ray beams in America and is visited by over 5,000 scientists worldwide, who provide ideas for new discoveries in nearly every scientific discipline today. Their research allows a real and positive impact on new technologies, health, economy and the fundamental understanding of the materials that make up our world.
Fagor Automation’s technology makes it possible to reduce the danger of lack of precision on the rings and its ensuing danger of radioactivity, highly destructive for electronic and optical components.
The lab has acquired 22 Fagor encoders and expects to acquire up to a total of 300 units in the near future.